Ethical issues Related to manged Care After reading the article, answer the following questions: What are your initial thoughts from the article?How do you think the Affordable Care Act improves health care for Americans?Who do you think will benefit the most from the Affordable Care Act? Why?Why are some states slower to participate than others?If you could create a healthcare … Read more

Initial Project Proposal

This is the first of three assignments that, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project. Assume you have been selected to be the project manager for a project of your choice. The project that you use must meet the key criteria of a project. It … Read more


Use uploaded information to answer the following: Corporate social responsibility is one of the hottest issues in corporate boardrooms these days, partly because it is becoming increasingly important to employees and other stakeholders. In your opinion, why have stakeholders given CSR more attention recently?

Performance Measurement

What are traffic and float?Why are they important to Company A?What types of solutions or improvements would have been implemented for the Retailer B under a traditional logistics orientation to process improvement?From a Supply Chain Management standpoint what types of solutions would be found to add value to Retailer B?

Ethical Issues

Can you identify and comment on personal experiences where some activity fell outside the “mission” of what you were doing. It might be that you and your colleagues took some action and realized after the fact that the action fell outside the mission. On the other hand, you might have been planning to do something … Read more

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS Contracting

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS ContractingNo unread replies.No replies.Read the assigned brief for this week, IDEA International, Inc. v. United States and ICATT Consulting Inc. (pp. 159-164). Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for … Read more

Constructive Changes

Select one of the cases from week 3’s case file in the course room. Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class Information in briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the … Read more

Risk Analysis

Find either a YouTube video or URL that addresses managing risks endemic to the service industry.  Choose from food services, banking, insurance, dental or medical services, child care services, or any other service of interest to you.  Try to find something your fellow students have not already posted.  Summarize what you learned and provide a … Read more