Replies NBST 520 Discussion Thread: Blog

*** at least 200 words per students The student must then post two (2) replies of at least 200 words each by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned Module: Week. The student is required to interact with all assigned materials, including textbooks and presentations, and document all sources used (including textbooks and presentations) … Read more

discussion 7

– Michel Foucault, Discipline & Punish (Part II and Part III, section 1/ pp. 73-169) ONLY READ THOSE PAGES . I expect you to refer directly to the textand to cite the works correctly so you master citation and footnotes. You should pose two questions organizedaround the following issues:1. What questions do you have about … Read more

The President’s role as Policy Maker

Assess the president’s role as a policy maker.  Please choose one United State’s President and reflect on one Historical policy making that has enacted.  Evaluate which ‘executive powers’ have been attained to pursue the policy making; reflect through comprehensive justification and qualitative research.  Guidelines to Consider for your Research: Review the Executive BranchExamine the Executive … Read more

Brown as a Cold War Case

READ; Mary L. Dudziak, Brown as a Cold War Case, Journal of American History, Volume 91, Issue 1, June 2004, Pages 3242 Investigate one other example of how the Cold War supports and undermines the pursuit of civil rights in the United States. Only a 1 Page Journal

Pedagogy and “The Mission” Reflection Paper

Please read the book listed below and Watch the following movie link attached. Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (New York: Continuum, 2007) The Mission Reflection Papers: Required Reading and Film (papers are 2- pages max. This paper and movie will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your grasp of the central focus and … Read more

The Underdogs: A Novel of the Mexican Revolution

For this short (4 page) reflection essay, you will do a primary source analysis of Mariano Azuelas The Underdogs. For Sections 2 and 3, you may use one or two secondary sources for background information. Acceptable sources include course materials, peer-reviewed articles from JSTOR, and encyclopedia articles from the online Encyclopedia Britannica. Section 4 must … Read more


Select one of the following three questions and respond in an essay of 750-1000 words. You must include references to the course readings. If needed, you may also refer to other appropriate college level sources. Always remember to include citations and attach a works cited page.  We all know the horrors that came out of … Read more

discussion 10

– Eric Avila, Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight (Chapter 2 Chapter 3) read the chapters and then answer the questions i will provide articale to compare the chpaters with it n. I expect you to refer directly to the textand to cite the works correctly so you master citation and footnotes. You … Read more