For your second essay you need to select a primary source essay. You can select that essay from Part 4 of your textbook. Part 4 is an anthology of essays covering a range of topics. Select one essay from Part 4 to use as your main essay to analyze. You wi

For your second essay you need to select a primary source essay. You can select that essay from Part 4 of your textbook. Part 4 is an anthology of essays covering a range of topics. Select one essay from Part 4 to use as your main essay to analyze. You will need to identift two … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read “Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds” by Elizabeth Kolbert. And then discuss briefly your response to these questions: Click on the New Yorker Article ( The story is available as an ATTACHMENT here. (See below) — Do you agree or disagree with the statement that facts don’t change our minds? And — From the … Read more

Review on Euclid Elements

write a page summary and reaction; follow the guidelines: Be sure to write in accurate, complete sentences. Be sure to includeo an accurate bibliographic entry for the text reado a statement of the topic addressedo a description of the area (what category? history, philosophy, geometry, etc.) o a statement of what appealed to youo a … Read more

How does agenda-setting influence coverage of poverty?

Pick one topic and write an essay between 1,200-1,600 words in length. It is due Feb. 14 by 11:59 p.m. The grading rubric is at the end of this document. You must use at least two resources from class and at least three outside sources (news organizations, books, academic articles, think tanks).

Sustainability Assessment and Planning

Address four (4) of the following  five (5) questions in approximately 750-1000 words for each question. Additional research on the questions will likely be required but you will not need to include any citations or references. Your answers must demonstrate you command of the course content thus far as well as your ability to building … Read more


Here is the introduction about the paper:  As you do your reading, pay careful attention to the section on Gender in East Asia.   Using evidence from both the chapter and the documents, write an essay which answers the following question from the section entitled Gender in East Asia: As you explore the documents, think about the limits on … Read more

The Founder Analysis

Summary: Based on the movie “The founder” ( about the history of McDonald, provide a detailed account of: the activities you view as belonging to exploitation the activities you view as belonging to the exploration a comparative account of exploration and exploitation as presented in the movie. The discussion of exploration and exploitation should be … Read more

Answer the following questions

Please answer the following questions and submit them via email by Sunday midnight: 1) What are some of the main topics of interest in cultural anthropology? 2) What do linguistic anthropologists try to learn about human languages? 3) What are some of the things archaeologists study? 4) What makes anthropology a cross-disciplinary discipline? 5) In … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading ( Second Treatise, Ch. 1-11; 14; 18-19) then do the following: Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments  (QRCs) inspired by  the material below. – At least one QRC must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it) … Read more