what is literature?

For this paper, you will develop an argument that you began exploring in the Week 2 discussion, which asked, “What is literature?”Your paper will answer that question using the following format:  “This story is an excellentexample of literature because it provides meaning about X.”  Examples of how you might fill-in “X” include “children and parenting,” … Read more

Informative Presentation

Select a topic which allows you to inform your audience of a significant aspect of a culture that is different than your own. Possible topics include social customs, family traditions, holidays, clothing, food, religious traditions, and sporting activities. Refer to Chapter 7 of your text as a guide. Research your topic. Be imaginative in choosing … Read more

Why knowing the law is essential knowledge

Tell me what are the advantages of knowing the law.Will it help you personally and why.What often happens when we are ignorant of our  legal rights?You may take any of these questions or all of them and tell me why a study of the law is essential for all!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Leviathan, Authors Introduction, Ch. 1 6; 10-13) then do the following: QUESTIONS, REFLECTIONS, & COMMENTS (QRCS) Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below. — At least one of the QRCs must explicitly identify … Read more

The art of the selfie

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

Myths and American History

Based on your article assignment on Columbus (see syllabus)found under the course content, please discuss the ways that narratives about early American history that dont always convey the the broader, more inclusive context that needs to be addressed. Carefully explain what the narratives are and any supporting evidence for these interpretations.What arguments can be made … Read more


Short Assignment : Annotated Bibliography for Profiles in Courage EssayFor this assignment, you will write an annotated bibliography in 500 to 750 words. Your annotated bibliography must contain at least four sources, two of which must be scholarly sources (from Library database). These are sources that relate to your Profiles in Courage paper and are … Read more

Federal Gun Laws

You are to write a current event paper, approximately 750 words in length, consisting of a summary and analysis of a current event having to do with FEDERAL GUN LAWS. You must cite a minimum of five references (sources) in the paper and include a works cited page at the end of the assignment to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the Introduction (pages 1-10) to There Is No Planet B. Then, using the attached document file, write an essay in which you to the following:INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPHSummarize the Introduction in a single introductory paragraph. – This summary should include the complete, properly capitalized and spelled  and MLA formatted title of the book, the full name … Read more


Compose a short paper in Microsoft Word on how you feel about communicating through electronic devices. Is it easier than communicating with someone face to face? What do you think are the pros and cons of communicating electronically? What is your opinion on this issue? Make sure to use specific reasons and examples to support … Read more