Narrative Essay: Recounting a meaningful moment

Tell a short, powerful, true story. Remember: This is not an invitation to give us your opinion on a topic youre passionate about. Instead, your challenge is to tell a meaningful and interesting story something with a beginning, middle and end. Because youre telling a story rather than, say, simply reflecting on your feelings about … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, assume you are a lead teacher in a preschool or TK (transitional kindergarten) class. Your school year has just started and it’s important to reach out to the parents of your students to establish communication and begin building trust. Write a letter to the parents, focus on introducing yourself and outlining your … Read more


1) Regions- Define each of the 3 types of regions (formal, functional, vernacular) and give an example of each. You can use your own example or the examples given in the textbook. 2) Diffusion- Define contagious, expansion and hierarchal diffusion and give an example of each. You can use your own examples or the examples … Read more

American Military History P2

Review the video posts as seen below and Complete the PowerPoint assignment.Minimum # of slides is 10, max # of slides is 15. Video links covering the material for the PowerPoint assignment in order…

create your own 1 act play. The play can be any style with any characters you wish. It should still be a school appropriate play.

2. MLA Heading3. Play format (dialogue, cues, setting descriptions) Standards being assessed: W.12.3.A: Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation and its significance, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.W.12.3.D: Use precise words and phrases, … Read more

Journal Entry Week 4

Journal Entry for Class 4 (300-500 words): 1.Ask someone who knows you well to evaluate your social style using the exercise from Class 3 to have them assess your assertiveness and emotional control levels. How did their evaluation compare with your self assessment? For example, did they place you in roughly the same quadrant, did … Read more

Buddhism and Christianity

Write a three to four page paper comparing and contrasting two religions, one “Western” religion and one “Eastern” religion. Compare and contrast the following things:Describe how each of the religions view the ultimate divine (God, etc.). What is the “end goal” of each religion and how does one get there according to said religion.What other … Read more

philosophy essay

Essay I is due in Module 3 (Feb. 10). This assignment is worth a lot of points. I suggest you start thinking about which topic you want to write on. Note that you pick only one topic. You can write on a different topic, but please pass your idea by me first. Essay Topics I … Read more

reflective paper

Reflective PaperBe sure to address each of the following questions in your reflective paper. Type your responses below each question, and leave the questions in the document. Remember that the length of your responses for this portion of the final is expected to be 1,000-2,000 words in total, not including the prompt questions. Please answer … Read more