what is MLA

What is MLA?In this class we use MLA for documentation. This is a topic everyone should already be familiar with as it was part of Composition I. There is refresher information in this model. After you have looked over that information you are to use this discussion forum to talk about MLA. To open this … Read more

Literary Analysis of The Five People You Meet in Heaven by by Mitch Albom

Step 1: Read the book via link: http://dl.keywin.org/0/9/0974a0819121cfc161792d13b66ac4fb.pdf Step 2: As youre reading, gather textual evidence as this will be used in the essay. – Identify common themes, repetition, and patterns– categorize elements, tone, and narrative style-highlight characterization, setting, and foreshadowing– label character types, symbols, and metaphors Step 3: Pick a topic for the main … Read more

culture and capitalism

Culture and Capitalism Instructions: You will have multiple resources to analyze and incorporate in your sociological arguments based on the questions asked in this assignment. First, start by reading the questions. IT would help you to gather your thoughts, make notes as you review the questions. Secondly, watch the clip provided by the link below. … Read more

Mother Tongue

To prepare for this assignment, please re-read your selected article and your notes from Module 1. Then, using a Word Document, answer the following questions: -Discuss the context of your selected article, the author’s purpose, and the style and tone. What have you learned from this early analysis?-How will a closer analysis of the author’s … Read more

Things Fall Apart

At the end of the novel, the Commissioner has chosen the title of a book he plans to write about his time spent in Africa. The title will be The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger. Argue the extent to which Chinua Achebe effectively disputes the Commissioner’s idea for the title. Develop … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Think about what standard of evidence should be used to remove a president from office. Using evidence from the sources below, write an argument about whether there is sufficient evidence and argument to remove the president Trump from office immediately. Read the impeachment charge against President Trump. ( Attached below as a PDF) Read the … Read more

Book Essay on The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard

A. In view of Leonards arguments about the Materials Economy, why is itso important to reduce overconsumption? You may use the book, as wellas examples from the Internet and your own life. You may want to addressquality of life issues in the U.S. and around the world, such as environment,family, physical health, mental health, finances, … Read more

the Melian dialogue

The dialogue should be about 1,200 to 1,500 words long Watch the following short video about “The Melian Dialogue,” which is probably the most famous chapter of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War. https://nerdfighteria.info/v/Sc28Hw8Jd04/ When you’re finished watching, please read “The Melian Dialogue” (see attached).  It’s quite short, but it packs a powerful punch.  One … Read more

Gatsby Perspective Essay

LEARNING GOAL:You will demonstrate an understanding of perspective, bias, and characterization by examining an event or scene from The Great Gatsby. ASSIGNMENT / PLANNING:You will recreate a scene from The Great Gatsby from the perspective of Jay Gatsby. With few exceptions, the entire novel is told from Nick Carraways point-of-view, and although we are promised … Read more

The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech in the United States

Bibliography [1]Agel, Jerome B. We, The People – Great Documents of the American Nation. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble Books, 2000. [2]Amar, Akhil Reed. America’s Constitution – A Biography. New York, NY: Random House, 2005. [3] Baylyn Bernard. Ed. The Debate on the Constitution . Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches. Articles and Letters During the … Read more