Good publicity for Red Cross despite scandals

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

write a movie review

Write a two to three page film review (excluding Works Cited page) of an American feature film of your choosing. Areas that must be covered: StorytellingActingCinematographyEditingSoundStyle and DirectingImpact of society on the film and vice versaGenreWriting Tips: Students may select a film that they have previously explored in previous Discussion assignmentsStudents must establish a coherent … Read more

Week 5 discussion

Using the readings only from weeks four and five how have these readings challenged your thinking and how do they expand upon what Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has argued in her text? BE SURE TO ANSWER EACH QUESTION AND BASE IT IN THE TEXT (meaning use the text to support your answers–use quotes, paraphrase, etc). YOUR RESPONSE … Read more

Health Services Management

Complete an initial post that explains the concept of interoperability, its importance, and the benefits associated with it as well as the challenges it raises for health care organizations. Your initial post should briefly synthesize the literature related to interoperability and you should make a thoughtful reply to at least one classmate on their post. … Read more

Japanese Manga

2-3 pages, 700-800 words max. In this paper you will select one work ofanimation or manga that we have viewed as part of the class and write an essay with twodistinct sections. The introduction (0.5-1 page) should situate the work in modern Japanesevisual cultural history, noting its style, significance, authorship, and historical context. Theformal description … Read more

Intro to Statistic one page essay on a video

Write a short essay summarizing what you learned from this video using the following guidelines: Include details for the main three pointsUse logical and complete sentences with correct grammarSummarize the video on at least one page using double spaced with no heading Video link: In case link doesnt work I gave you a picture … Read more

Human resources – Analysis of an organizational problem

INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE PROFESSOR BELOW:**PLEASE ALSO SEE ATTACHED RUBRIC As promised, here is the proposed replacement for the final case.  I believe this scenario will provide you with a better prompt to showcase your knowledge and skills. You will be required to prepare a written analysis of an organizational problem case that is provided below. … Read more

The 13th reflection

How did you feel after viewing the 13th? Did you feel helpless, inspired, stirred to action, or a combination of all three? Do you think the message of the film was hopeful? Why or Why Not?How does the 13th characterize our criminal justice system and our political institutions? How did this film shape your understanding … Read more

Human relations

        Watch the clip below. It shows two almost friends and one sharing a story that instantly changed him both at the time and likely forever more.What is your story? Describe one event, you might not ordinarily share, that changed you, both at the time and who you would eventually become. … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week you will be finishing up this plan by defining an action plan for the most important personal leadership development goals you selected in week 7.  Using the Action Plan Template in this weeks Develop a Plan of Action with Free Templates article, you are to create an action plan for each of the … Read more