
Divide your Assignment in two sections: Objective Summary, and My Personal Thoughts. Objective Summary (800 words): Summarize the attached document OBJECTIVELY in 800 words. First read the document at least two times to understand the material. Then write a summary of the document entirely in your OWN words. In your summary, focus on the main … Read more

Importance of accountability essay

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis of a video speech TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT Consider the 2 video links and the worksheetWatch both videos. Consider the short YouTube version and identify the rhetorical appeals of Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos used in the videos/ by the speaker. Make notes  as you watch, answer to the questions on the worksheet, then pick to write a … Read more

Speech of introduction

To introduce a featured speaker to the audience During your brief introductory remarks, your goal is to Identify why the speaker is to speakEnhance the speakers credibility with receiversStress the importance and timeliness of the speechThough your speech of introduction should be short, lasting no more than two to three minutes, your job is to … Read more

Speech of introduction

To introduce a featured speaker to the audience During your brief introductory remarks, your goal is to Identify why the speaker is to speakEnhance the speakers credibility with receiversStress the importance and timeliness of the speechThough your speech of introduction should be short, lasting no more than two to three minutes, your job is to … Read more

Perfect Competition Forum

Some professions, such as haircutting or hair braiding, are fairly close to perfectly competitive. These professions sometimes succeed in getting the government to establish licensing requirements that deter some competitors from entering the profession. Why might these professions want to impose such licensing requirements? On the other hand, in some states, governors or legislatures have … Read more

policy brief, political science

Policy Brief AssignmentDue Friday, July 9 by midnightPrompt: American decisionmakers at the Department of State and Defense often have to form broad policy agendas and strategies on pressing issues many of which they may be relatively poorly informed about. They rely upon policy briefs short essays or presentations by experts to inform them on an … Read more

policy brief, political science

Policy Brief AssignmentDue Friday, July 9 by midnightPrompt: American decisionmakers at the Department of State and Defense often have to form broad policy agendas and strategies on pressing issues many of which they may be relatively poorly informed about. They rely upon policy briefs short essays or presentations by experts to inform them on an … Read more

poetry analysis

The World of Poetry – Analysis Assignment For this intro assignment for ENG4U, you will be choosing a poem listed below. You will then analyze the poem, research the poet, and write a speech which incorporates all the information. You will need to submit your rough notes (can be point form), a good copy of … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is going to be two works one is the outline for the essay which is going to be one page and the other paper is going to be the actual essay which is going to be 4 pages they both going to be regarding the same topic so first outline then write the actual … Read more