Public Event and Current Events

During this semester, we have learned about the structure, process and impacts of American government.  Policy decisions impact everyday life and shape our culture as well as history.  Address both of the questions below.As part of your work this semester, you completed a paper for a public event.  Discuss with your classmates your public event … Read more


Select two readings  which you found most interesting and that challenged your assumptions about the topic (democratization, the state, revolutions, development, the welfare state, etc.). What, specifically, did you find most insightful about the readings you selected? What about them made you re-think or re-interpret your understanding of a given topic or the country about … Read more

PowerPoint of Humans Are Destroying Nature

I also need a PowerPoint presentation of about 10 slides of what you think is most important on this essay. PowerPoint should include introductions, at least 2 or 3 pictures on slides, PowerPoint should only have bullets points, and conclusion. POWERPOINTS ONLY PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID FOR ME PREVIOUSLY


1) Identify a sustainability problem. List area of sustainability as a category. Choose from: Energy, Water, Waste, Civic Engagement, Safety and Health. 2) Find and summarize with 3-5 bullet points an article that discusses an interesting technology that might address the problem. In the bullets please mention the name of the technology/brand if available. Include … Read more

The Lost History of Yellowstone: Debunking the myth that the great national park was a wilderness untouched by humans.

Write about ONE of the following five topics IN RELATION TO THE ARTICLE: Prehistoric archeological research in YellowstoneArtifacts that demonstrate human occupation of YellowstoneOral traditions relating to YellowstoneThe development of Yellowstone as a national parkThe history of Native American occupation of Yellowstone Be specific and use quotations from the article.


1) Identify a sustainability problem. List area of sustainability as a category. Choose from: Energy, Water, Waste, Civic Engagement, Safety and Health. 2) Find and summarize with 3-5 bullet points an article that discusses an interesting technology that might address the problem. In the bullets please mention the name of the technology/brand if available. Include … Read more

Humans Are Destroying Nature

You already did everything for this paper, now; all you have to do is combined everything in one to make an outstanding essay. if I’m not mistaking I think you did already wrote this essay, but I told you not that it’s not what I wanted. WORDS DOC ONLY I also need a PowerPoint presentation … Read more


1) Identify a sustainability problem. List area of sustainability as a category. Choose from: Energy, Water, Waste, Civic Engagement, Safety and Health. 2) Find and summarize with 3-5 bullet points an article that discusses an interesting technology that might address the problem. In the bullets please mention the name of the technology/brand if available. Include … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

CONTEXT FOR WRITING For Essay 4 you will be asked to utilize these four sources in order to construct your own analytical argument about what happiness or the good life is and how it may be achieved. In your essay include the following: An introduction that sets up the major ideas of your topic by … Read more