Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week we looked at what is called the theory of the firm.  We looked at how businesses operate in competitive environments and not-so-competitive environments.  Oligopolistic industries are characterized by a few firms and they often tend to be very large (i.e. big business).  Many people in our culture today are very skeptical about big … Read more

Nanook of the North and The Anthropologist,

Analyzing Documentaries Film Response Questions Give a brief summary of the content of the documentaries you watched this week.Identify the TYPE of documentary represented by “Nanook of the North” and “The Anthropologist” (they may be different). Provide specific evidence from the films that supports your choices.Focus on Nanook of the North and also refer to … Read more

Collaborating with Families

You are an Early Childhood Specialist in a learning environment, and you have been asked by administration to create a training program that you will use to train learning professionals in creating and maintaining successful school/family partnerships. The focus should be on Collaborating with Families for each of the following areas: How to establish a … Read more


SWOT AnalysisPrior to completing this assignment, review your prior research on the company you selected for research in this Weeks Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Also watch the video How to Perform a SWOT Analysis (Links to an external site.) (2016). In approximately 250 words, Describe the companys history, products, and major competitors by accessing the … Read more

Applied Statistics

n this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Apply statistical techniques to address research problemsPerform regression analysis to address an authentic problemOverviewThe purpose of this project is to have you complete all of the steps of a real-world linear regression research project starting with developing a research question, then completing a … Read more


MY COUNTRY IS ITALY You have started on your country project. your country (project/paper) has a currency. To assist with this assignment listed here are web links: What is the name of your countrys currency?What was/is its value as of  last month, last week, and today  to the U-S dollar? The Japanese … Read more

Promoting safety and quality

Discussion: Promoting Safety and QualityIn the article Managing to Improve Quality: The Relationship Between Accreditation Standards, Safety Practices, and Patient Outcomes, the authors discuss the growing trend by medical insurance companies to eliminate reimbursement for Never Events. As these types of mistakes should be easily preventable, hospitals have developed protocols to lessen or extinguish the … Read more

value of culture in child development

Assignment Description: For this assignment, you will be placed (virtually) in a real-world scenario that occurs in learning environments. Please read the following description of the authentic performance task and complete the requirements as described in the scenario. SCENARIO Imagine you are the primary administrator of a preschool, and you recognize the value of culture … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the principles and tools outlined in the textbook, form an estimate of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) for the firm. Then, use the dividend-discount model to estimate the value of a share of your firms stock and compare this estimate to the current market value. Review this week’s instructional materials for complete … Read more