
Roux–Dufort (2007) writes, the exceptionality of the situations that crisis management examines contributes to isolating this discipline from organization theory and damages its legitimacy in this area (p. 105). What do you make of this quote? What types of quiet catastrophes has your industry experienced where leadership was challenged to address the circumstances of those … Read more


Annotated Bibliography: This document is a short literature review giving a brief summary of an article that you read related to your topic. You will need to include a total of 5 peer-reviewed articles that are directly related to your topic. Please make sure the articles are current (preferably no later than 5 years old). … Read more

Management Discussions

Impact of Technology Explain how information technology affects strategies of the organization where you worked most recently. What other external factors could affect the use of new technologies? Explain how technology can impact an organizations external environment. Please use examples to highlight your points. Best Buy Company, Incorporated: Competitive Strategies Best Buy is the largest … Read more

Leadership Portfolio

Assignment is broken in 2 parts.Part 1:Part One is addressing the first four questions directed at leadership.Address the following questions in Part One of your paper:    How do you define leadership?    Why are you excited about being a leader?    What are your key values?    What will be your expectations for your team?Part 2:In Part Two … Read more

Violence on TV

The goal of the topic question is not to answer the question or solve the problem. Instead, the topic question or thesis statement is an opportunity for you to explain how this topic affects you, your community or your relationships. In your final draft of your paper, you must use your instructors feedback to develop … Read more


InstructionsThink of a time that you used the concept of catharsis as a way to release frustration or anger. In your journal response, describe what you did to engage in catharsis. Then, discuss both the positive and the negative outcomes to which using catharsis led. Considering these outcomes, what might you do differently in a … Read more


QUESTION 1.Use examples from your own experiences to explain how being around others has both helped and hurt your performance on a task. Explain how the factors of physiological arousal and evaluation apprehension contributed to increased performance through social facilitation versus decreased performance through social facilitation and/or social loafing in those circumstances. Your response must … Read more

public health concern

Identify a public health concern that interests you. Examples of such a concern are tobacco, coronary disease, obesity, MERS, or COVID-19. Describe what data would be important to know about this concern and how studying public health would be beneficial in addressing it. What types of surveillance methods do you think would be most effective … Read more

Moral Theories

This paper must be no less than 1,000 words and should demonstrate a thorough awareness of the topic as well as the ability to engage in philosophical reasoning. Late papers will be penalized at -5% for the first day late and an additional -1% for each day following. Outside research is not necessary, and in … Read more