Types of Contracts

Part 1 (1/2 page)Who Bears the Risk?Explain what type of contract shifts risk more to the buyer than the seller and why a certain type of contract would be considered for a project. Cite at least one example. Part 2 (3 pages )Preparation – Product under selection is Mobile Electronics. There are many different types … Read more

What Is a Good Risk?

What Is a Good Risk?If qualitative risk is more subjective, explain why it is beneficial to use certain risks under certain conditions. Especially in procurement, can you justify why you would choose a quantitative risk over a qualitative risk? Is a qualitative discussion really more data driven? Explain this and then determine what a good … Read more

strategic human resources management

Overview: For this milestone, due in Module Five, you will analyze HR strategic initiatives of employee and labor relations that positively impact organizationaleffectiveness. The three critical element focus on employee discipline, performance management, and employee and labor relations.Prompt: First, read Chapters 8 and 14 in your text, the Harvard Business Review article Discipline Without Punishment … Read more

healthcare finance and reimbursement

Overview: In terms of reimbursement and financial principles (specifically relating to the revenue cycle), you will determine what federal and state funding isavailable for healthcare organizations. As you continue to explore payment systems from the view of the hospital administrator, consider what actions you mighttake to ensure your facility meets compliance requirements. Additionally, you will … Read more

Initial Philosophical Reflection, History and philosophy of general and special education

How can I continually and deliberately reflect on my practices in light of educational research, professional decisions, and pedagogical approaches?How can I create contexts for learning that are driven by evidence-based principles of diversity, difference, inclusion, and equity?How can I demonstrate and apply knowledge, concepts, and strategies across domains to engage individuals and promote critical … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Provide an example of a recent marketing campaign you observed that inspired you to pursue a career in marketing and apply for the MS in Marketing program. Make sure your answer is detailed and includes all of the following. Please be as specific as possible.1.    Provide a clear description of the campaign (the company, the … Read more

English composition

briefly state your thoughts on the liberal arts originally being only for aristocracy / upper class, as opposed to now! link to the reading https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/04/plato-to-plumbers/361373/ essay basics: 12 point Times New Roman font standard MLA formatting.View less


This assignment is to get familiar with a valuable website and to practice your research and analytic skills.  To begin, visit the website for Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems ( careshq.org). You will see the two options of “CARES Map Room” and “Assessment Tools”. You will use the Map Room on the left … Read more

discussion 3

Respond to the following discussion questions: Reflect on your Top Five Themes and share what you have learned about yourself.Name one of your strengths that you really like. Explain what is about this strength that you appreciate? How your peers or manager may be impacted by your strength?Name one of your strengths that others (e.g., … Read more