Swot Analysis

Identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a potential sponsorship partner will prepare you for developing a good pitch to appeal to your partner. The ability to analyze these four critical areas in any organization is a key skill successful sales professionals must possess. To thoroughly evaluate every possiblestrength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, you … Read more

Southwest Airlines Case Study

GUIDELINES:1.Based on Case Study 4Southwest Airlines(pg. C7)and posted in Modules in Canvas.2.Instructions Analyze and summarize the key attributes of Southwests culture and how the culture enables innovation.  Discuss how the Company has leveraged these attributes to gain a competitive advantage and can use these attributes to adapt, change, and continue to grow as the environment … Read more

Rare Earthenware

Assignment 2: Podcasts (Group)Deliverables: 5 minute audio recordingsSubmission format: upload audio recording to moodleAssessment: 20% of final gradeDue: October 1st, 2021Groups will be asked to record a a short (5 minute) audio reflection/discussion on a work of critical design assigned to them in class. Each podcast discussion should include: An introduction to the project the … Read more

Evidence Based Practice Worksheet /evaluation of research article

THIS IS NOT ESSAY— its more like worksheet /finding the article and answering the questions on the worksheet Evidence-Based Decision-Making worksheet using your PICO question/topic” PICO Question: A 45-year-old female presents with a moderate gingival bleeding, will flossing with regular dental floss compared to flossing with water flosser be more effective and result decrease in … Read more

Should everyone go to college

– Thesis-Introduction with hook and persuasive thesis statement-2-5 substantial body paragraphs with topic sentences, specific examples, and nuanced analysis -Personal examples are encouraged for this essay-Conclusion-At least three integrated quotations from the article-Works Cited-MLA format Pointers: -Although some summary is necessary, this is not a summary paper. Instead, you are using the text as a … Read more

Argumentative Essay

A. InstructionsRemember the word argument does not mean a fight in a writing context. An academic argument is more like a thoughtful conversation between two people with differing viewpoints on a debatable issue. However, you are required to take a position on one side of the issue. In order to foster learning and growth, all … Read more

legacy of the progressive era

Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on the Legacy of the Progressive Era. Using resources from the Topic 6 Readings, including your textbook, materials provided by your instructor through class discussion, and materials from the GCU Library Guide for HIS-144 US History Themes, prepare your PowerPoint with the following areas of focus: Regulation of Business, Greater Democracy, … Read more

The Presentation

——–Assignment 3: The Presentation ——–Objective:  Develop an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation based on the research you have conducted about your chosen species. Remember, the organism you selected in Week 1, is the organism you will research for the associated assignments in the course.——- ——-Assignment Instructions:  Using the course project steps completed to date, you will develop … Read more