CD Tools Assignment

You can present this information in this way
A two-page tip sheet

For this project, you need to choose and describe a specific tool that could be used in community
development work, such as a specific way of asset mapping, making decisions with a group,
engaging community members at an in-person or online meeting, etc. The focus in this
assignment is on providing detail about how to use a specific tool, so that you and others in the
class can develop a toolbox of practices that you can use in your CD work. Your assignment
should provide enough detail that someone reading the assignment could use the tool in their
Tools that would be appropriate for this assignment could include: specific uses of social media,
tools for community-based research, participatory evaluation activities, specific methods of asset
mapping, ways of performing community assessments, techniques for engaging attendees at
community meetings, placemaking strategies, methods for collective decision-making or another
topic of your choice. Within these broad topics your tipsheet and presentation should focus on
one specific tool.