Chages for first assignment- Previous work Ethics in Business Topic: Ethical Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporations. Scope: The paper will first discuss in depth the terms ethic

Chages for first assignment- Previous work

Ethics in Business

Topic: Ethical Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporations. 

Scope: The paper will first discuss in depth the terms ethics and ethical responsibility as well as corporate responsibilities. Several examples of ethical behavior that exist in an organization will be provided, followed by examples of corporate responsibility. Their driving forces, such as profit for the organization and policy regulations, will also be discussed to give a vivid contrast. As the two behaviors exist harmoniously in an organization (Azizi, 2020), the paper will discuss where they work hand in hand and also discuss where they do not work in harmony. As a conclusion, the paper will discuss the impacts of either of the behaviors to determine their impact on the organization’s decisions.

Detailed Title: The paper will compare and contrast the differences between the ethical responsibilities and corporate social responsibilities that exist in an organization, considering the ethics that guide the business decisions.

Thesis Statement: Social responsibility is more applicable when the corporation wants to make profits. Ethical behavior only works as a guide on following good behavior, either set as the norm or a policy to not harm people in the business setting. Ethics may be ignored in most cases where the corporation’s main objective is making profits. Therefore, the two principles work interchangeably (Saha et al., 2019).

Feed back from professor:

Good start – to improve: 

Title – instead of describing the title, write the title itself; make it very specific. 

Thesis statement – make much shorter and much more concrete – What, exactly, are you going to do? “This paper will…” and then outline the specific steps you will take, the criteria you will use, the benchmarks, etc. 

Scope – make much more narrow – What context, industry, sector? What timeframe – 2020? the late 1900s? Where – Florida? the US? worldwide? Write in much more detail – “discuss” How? Using what criteria? For what purpose? “will be provided” How? Be very specific. 

Please make these chages.