Chamberlain College of Nursing SPCH 277 Homework 2 speech

Homework 2 Part I: Listening Analysis Begin by reading the Week 2 Lecture on listening and complete the Listening Exercise to evaluate your listening skills. Write a summary of your results your experience and your conclusions about this.Next respond to the following prompts. As you compose your responses you should make connections to the ideas contained in the listening chapter assigned for the week. Where in the stages of listening did you experience breakdown?What was the reason you failed to listen effectively?What could you have done differently to improve your listening?Part II: Small Group and Public Speaking Strategies Using the Communication Improvement Strategy Table from the Week 1 Lecture develop an improvement strategy that follows it according to the following assessments: the checklist describing the skills covering small-group communication in Chapter 9 on page 189; and Part III: Presentation Topics and Research Ideas