Change Leadership -Thought Responses – 200 Words

Reply to two prompts in 100 words each. No sites needed, these are just thoughts on the prompts.


Managing change in an organization often times refers to focusing on change that results from the output of programs. And leading the change is involving in the change process like initiating change and establishing change practices. A person that can manage change is a person that controls and this involves applying specific control tools. A person that leads change is an individual that relies on their traits and skills to lead the people. The advantage of being a change leader is that you get to engage with your team when the change process is being undertaken. Being a change leader allows you to interact with your team and this gives you a chance to address the challenges that your team may face during this process. This interaction with your team allows you motivate your team during the change process and this increases their productivity which makes it possible for the team to achieve the desired changes. Being a change leader also gives you the opportunity to engage directly in the change process and by this you gain more knowledge and experience regarding how change can be implemented in different situations which makes you even more effective as a leader.


Change leadership would be whenever somebody is leading through example and showing their vision for change. Being able to spread how the change that they see and impact others is pivotal in change leadership. Change management would be more of an indirect force of change. It is the action of offering opportunities for change, or talking about areas that need work. some benefits of change leadership would be, being able to see and feel how the implemented changes are taking hold. If it is something small as, working at a gym and standing up when people come in to the building. Being the front lines and watching how the members take that action compared to saying it will be good, and not seeing how it affects the business.