Change Process Communication Plan


Create a communication plan as a change leader to help manage communication about the organizational change identified in the Organizational Change Process Learning Team project. 

Address the following when designing your communication plan:

o Objectives of the communication plan

o Target audience 

o Procedures for sharing or distributing the communication plan (e.g., resources, technology)

o Frequency and forms (modalities) of communication 

o Evaluation of the communication plan by target audience to determine its effectiveness

Write a 275- to 350-word initial organizational communication based on your plan. The content of the initial communication must address:

Specific details of the organizational change

Need for the organizational change

Effect of the organizational change on resources, personnel, organizational structure, and so on

Timeline for organizational change 

Gaining buy-in and stakeholder engagement in the organizational change process

Explain your communication plan using a presentation tool from the Technology Resource Library. The presentation should be between five and eight minutes long. Presentations should address stakeholders, emphasize organizational change, and be visually oriented with speaker notes or a notes page with supporting text.