change the bullet points to the complete sentences

a.  In Britain the population was aggravated by the elite class who controlled the majority of politics and believed they only helped the wealthy while controlling the poor and middle class.

b. They created a meme generator essentially of the prime minister David Cameron to call him out for his policies

c. Prior to this but much less popularized was Laura Oldfeilds zine, Savage Messiah. This portrayed the people who were being marginalized and left behind, in the drive for regeneration.

        i.    Oldfeild shows the reality of what is happening in Britain and how the wealthy were moving in on the poor and gentrifying these places in turn putting

              many onto the streets.

        ii.   Her art is rendered in a very dark maner with very dynamic and rich details of the people and places showing that these vibrant characters have been

              left for dead.

d.  In 2011 the London riots occurred and seemed to be a long time coming although the police shooting of Mark Duggan on August 6th certainly set these riots into motion. 

        i.   The riots spread incredibly quickly through London and then to 9 other cities in Britain.

        ii.  The rioters and their intent were confusing, people as young as 9 years old up to angry adults were rioting while some looted and many were fed up 

             having no job.

        iii.  The riots subsided after a week but rioters were pursued for months afterwards due to surveillance footage.

                   1.Pictures were even published for identification of people who were involved.