Chapter 02 Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies

161. Two major elements of the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process are __________. a) segmenting the market and selecting target markets b) establishing a business mission and designing measurable goals and objectives c) designing the marketing mix and setting the budget d) identifying deviations in the marketing plan and acting on them e) executing the marketing program and designing the marketing organization 162. Two major elements of the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process are __________. a) segmenting the market and selecting target markets b) establishing a business mission and designing measurable goals and objectives c) designing the marketing mix and setting the budget d) identifying deviations in the marketing plan and acting on them e) obtaining resources and developing schedules 163. Two major elements of the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process are __________. a) segmenting the market and selecting target markets b) establishing a business mission and designing measurable goals and objectives c) designing the marketing mix and setting the budget d) identifying deviations in the marketing plan and acting on them e) obtaining resources and designing the marketing organization 164. Two major elements of the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process are __________. a) segmenting the market and selecting target markets b) establishing a business mission and designing measurable goals and objectives c) developing schedules and executing the marketing program d) identifying deviations in the marketing plan and acting on them e) designing the marketing mix and setting the budget 165. The FunBundle video game console was developed through a joint venture between Funsoftware and the HitHard Technologies Limited. Plans were made to rush the product to market to counter new Playstation and WinWin consoles that were also being released about the same time. Complaints about the video game began immediately after its introduction. These complaints ranged from missing parts to incorrect programming. In which phase of the strategic marketing process did the FunBundle strategy fail? a) The goal-setting phase b) The implementation phase c) The control phase d) The strategic development phase e) The resource administration phase 166. A marketing strategy is the means by which a marketing goal is to be achieved. Two factors that usually characterize a marketing strategy are __________. a) specific goals and organizational objectives b) a detailed marketing plan and marketing budget c) marketing strategies and marketing tactics d) a specified target market and a marketing program to reach it e) marketing programs and deviation control 167. Which of the following statements reflects both of the key elements in developing a marketing strategy for Con-Krete Ltd. a company that produces specialized concrete surfaces for heavily trafficked areas such as retail outlets and amusement parks? a) Buy ads in all the major trade journals aimed at businesses in the entertainment and/or sports industry b) Communicate using direct mail about the various walking surfaces Schofield can create for contractors who are building riding and walking paths c) Design a sample ad and test it using visitors to a trade show d) Hire six new sales representatives for the Midwest regional office and train them on all aspects of strategy e) Create a focus group to decide on what surface to use for a religious-theme park in Brazil 168. Marketing tactics are __________. a) the long-term decisions made to implement the marketing program and the monitoring of those decisions b) the detailed day-to-day operational decisions essential to the overall success of marketing strategies c) the steps taken to develop an effective marketing plan d) the development of marketing strategies to achieve the organization’s marketing objectives e) the refinement of the organization’s mission based on the results obtained from a marketing audit 169. Crescendo whose specialty is in vinegars and fine oils decided to offer the product in 30 millilitre and 60 millilitre sizes as well as in a 120 millilitre Asian glass bottle. They decided to sell the vinegar only through the mail and to price the smaller bottles at $24.45 and the largest bottles at $83.25. They were determining Prairie Herb’s marketing __________. a) tactics b) missions c) visions d) strategies e) operational procedures 170. Compared to marketing strategies marketing tactics generally involve actions that __________. a) must be taken sooner rather than later b) are long term and need to be carefully developed rather than short term c) involve upper levels of management rather than front-line managers d) are general rather than specific in nature e) have been successfully implemented in the past