Chapter 02 Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies

171. The two major aspects of the evaluation phase of the strategic marketing process are __________. a) segmenting the market and selecting target markets b) establishing a business mission and designing measurable goals and objectives c) designing the marketing mix and setting the budget d) identify deviations from goals and act on the deviations e) executing the marketing plan and designing the marketing organization 172. The third phase of the strategic marketing process is the __________. a) implementation phase b) planning phase c) tactical phase d) evaluation phase e) goal-setting phase 173. The difference between the projection of the path to reach a new goal and the projection of the path of the results of a plan already in place is called __________. a) the contribution margin b) the marginal space c) the breakeven point d) the planning gap e) differential location 174. Recently Kodak had a very flat level of sales revenue. The CEO did not like the no-growth results and instead forecasted an increase in sales revenue based on new plans and actions. The difference between the existing flat level of sales revenue and the increased level is known as __________. a) the contribution margin b) the marginal space c) the breakeven point d) the planning gap e) differential location 175. Evergreen Air Center is the world’s largest parking lot for unwanted commercial aircraft. Airlines pay from $750 to $5 000 monthly for the storage services provided by Evergreen. Prior to September 2001 the company had 140 discarded airplanes at its Arizona facilities and was growing at a rate of about six planes monthly with about two a month sold for parts and/or scrap metal. After calamity struck the airline industry in September 2001 the airlines have retired over a thousand planes—many of which found their way to Evergreen. Now the actual number of planes stored at Evergreen differs significantly from the prediction based on previous behavior. This difference is referred to as __________. a) the contribution margin b) the marginal space c) the breakeven point d) the planning gap e) differential location 176. After examining a planning gap firms typically attempt to __________. a) decide if the time horizon should be increased or decreased b) perform a SWOT analysis with their major competitor as the focus c) use statistical trend analysis to interpret the results d) exploit a positive deviation and correct a negative deviation e) adopt a product-market focus 177. As the CEO of the company the sales revenues of which are shown in Figure 2-9 are you __________ a) proud of your accomplishments between 2002 and 2006? b) feeling good because the results are precisely on track with plan? c) going to reward your subordinates for outstanding performance? d) worried that the board might fire you? e) devising a new plan since the prior plan is clearly not working? 178. Based on the information in Figure 2-9 between 1998 and 2010 the planning gap __________. a) is widening b) is becoming narrower c) is staying the same d) size cannot be determined e) occurred in 1998 179. Lenovo is __________. a) a personal computer maker b) a museum showing sustainable ideas for the future c) a shelter for the homeless in China d) a home-away-from-home for families of very sick children e) the name of an industrial park in Malaysia 180. Lenovo aim(s) to __________. a) continue to embrace its Chinese roots b) build good relationships with others c) price affordably d) continue to break into new markets e) all of the above181. Which of the following is part of the Lenovo strategy to change the way consumers think about its gas stations?a) Teaming up with highly respected business partners after acquiring IBMb) Gain brand recognitionc) Innovation to meet consumers’ needsd) Maintain strong and consistent marketing messages for its PCs e) All of the above are part of the Lenovo strategy to shed its stereotyped image as a value-conscious PC