Chapter 03 Scanning the Marketing Environment

121. In Indonesia Law No. 8/1999 was passed to protect consumers by recognizing their right to safety and comfort when using products or services the right to choose and obtain goods and services the right to getting correct and honest information on products and services and __________. a) the right to receive compensation b) the right to complain c)the right to reject spoilt items d)the right to receive discounts during sales e) none of the above. 122 In 2006 the Malaysian Food Regulations 1985 was amended to include mandatory nutrition labeling and regulated nutrition claims. This is an example of one of the outcomes of __________. a) consumerism b) marketing ethnicity c) government intervention d) constructive marketing e) naderism 123. Trademarks are intended to protect __________. a) only consumers buying the trademarked product b) only the company selling a trademarked product c) both company and consumers d) the company and consumers based on the situation e) none of the above 124. In Indonesia Law No. 8/1999 addresses __________. a) only company protection b) only consumer protection c) both company and consumer protection d) competitive protection e) pricing issues 125. The amended Malaysian Food Regulations (2006) addresses __________. a) only company protection b) only consumer protection c) both company and consumer protection d) competitive protection e) pricing issues 126. Which of the following can be considered a violation of the amended Malaysian Food Regulations (2006)? a) The company did not list all the ingredients used to make the food product on the label. b) The company listed a lower fat content for the food product. c) The food product has no ingredients list label. d) The food product label says “Healthier choice” when the food is high in fat salt and sugar content. e) All of the above 127. In Singapore the Patent Act the Trademark Act and the Copyright Act allow __________. a) protection of DVD movies music recordings and software from piracy activities. b) products to use generic terms as trademarks c) investors to apply for use of Internet domain names d) a company to declare trademark ownership in foreign markets e) products to use more than one trademark 128. In Singapore the Patent Act (Cap 221) addresses __________. a) both company and consumer protection b) only consumer protection c) only company protection d) competitive protection e) pricing issues 129. In Singapore the Trade Mark Act (Cap 332) addresses __________. a) both company and consumer protection b) only consumer protection c) only company protection d) competitive protection e) pricing issues 130. In Singapore the Copyright Act addresses __________. a) both company and consumer protection b) only consumer protection c) only company protection d) competitive protection e) pricing issues