Chapter 11 Enlightenment: Science and the New Learning 1. What did Enlightenment thinkers call for? The Scientific Revolution 1. What three things converged to create the Scientific Revolution? 2. How

Chapter 11 Enlightenment: Science and the New Learning

1. What did Enlightenment thinkers call for?

The Scientific Revolution

1. What three things converged to create the Scientific Revolution?

2. How does one define “inductive reasoning”?

Drawing general conclusions from observations (knowledge through the senses)

3. What are all the types of “idols” Bacon argues against?

4. How does one define “deductive reasoning”?

5. What were Descartes’ rules for reasoning?

The Enlightenment

1. What, according to Enlightenment thinkers, were natural laws and natural rights?

2. Explain the concept of “tabula rasa” that Locke put forward. Where would he  

stand on the “nature vs. nurture” debate?  

3. How would you define the idea of a “social contract” and what would be required  

of individuals in this system? Can you give an example?

4. What was the main difference between Hobbes and Locke?

Montesquieu and Jefferson

1. What was Montesquieu a proponent of that is directly related to the constitution  

of the United States?

2. In the Declaration of Independence, what did “the people” refer to?

Enlightenment and the Rights of Women

1. What did Mary Wollstonecraft attack in her work “A Vindication of the Rights of  


2. What did she see as some of the methods men used to keep women  

subordinated or “in their place