Chapter 14 Discussion Problem 2 Page 461No unread replies.No replies. Daniel’s parents purchased a bottle of apple juice for Daniel, who was 3.5 years old. The glass bottle was shaped like a “baby bot

Chapter 14 Discussion Problem 2 Page 461No unread replies.No replies.

Daniel’s parents purchased a bottle of apple juice for Daniel, who was 3.5 years old. The glass bottle was shaped like a “baby bottle” and was equipped with a screw-top mouth to accommodate screw-on nipples commonly used by infants to drink liquid from a bottle. The bottle was designed, manufactured, packaged, distributed, and advertised by Beechnut. Daniel fell while the bottle was in his possession. The bottle broke into sharp pieces and cut Daniel’s wrist. A suit was brought against Beechnut by Daniel’s parents on his behalf. 

Do they have a cause of action against Beechnut for breach of warranty?