Chapter 23 Journal

 Objectives:The art historical canon privileges the Western perspective and is incomplete. Most of what we study in this chapter is based on Western art (Europe and North America). It tends to leave out artists and voices from other regions we’ve studied (Middle-east, Africa, South America, Oceania, Asia, Australia, and indigenous, non-white, non-CIS-gender populations). Our task – find an artist which fills in that gap. How-to:Choose a w ork from a time period covered in class this week, but from a region we didnt discuss or didn’t discuss enough (see above) Not sure how to find a work we havent discussed together? Here are just a few ideas to start, and Im happy to help you find something more specific:

  • (NYC)
  • (London)
  • (Contemporary Art)
  • (LA)
  • (NYC), (Bay Area), (London), and many more modern & contemporary
  • Art Museum Folk and Outsider art (Baltimore)
  • (Santa Fe)
  • Regional and local museums (like ). Most cities have at least one, in the US and abroad.

Choose a work and include this info in your journal:

  1. Metadata: artist name, title of the work, date(s), place, collection if any, medium, size, any other relevant info to help us understand the work better
  2. Image(s) of the work. Do we need to see multiple views to understand it?
  3. Why should we study it? Reference at least 2 pieces we discussed in class. How does your selection engage with the critical conversation from those pieces, and take it further? What is the critical value of your piece? (Here you should take at least 2 paragraphs to 1. Solidify the content in your mind and 2. Prove to me you know it)
  4. Why did you choose it? Your personal aesthetics – why does the piece resonate with you? (Here you should take at least 1 paragraph. Consider addressing visual elements like composition, shape, space, time, color, value, line, texture, focal point, sound, interactivity, material, place, etc.)