Chapter 6 – Positive & Negative Reinforcement, and Punishment Textbook pdf:

Chapter 6 – Positive & Negative Reinforcement, and Punishment

Textbook pdf:

1. Please discuss the differences between positive and negative reinforcement.  Do you have any experience with either?  In your opinion, what works better in the long run?  Also discuss punishment, giving the definition, description and possible outcomes.  Which of these 3 has the best outcomes in changing behavior? (Please note: there are two different areas in our text that discuss punishment.)

NOTE: For full points, please give your initial response (2 paragraphs) 8-10 sentences per paragraph

2. Please discuss observational learning, including description, and examples.  Read further down the page (262) to the example of “BoBo the Clown.”  Please further discuss your thoughts on this experiment, and how it might be changed to promote positive behavior.

NOTE: For full points, please give your initial response (2 paragraphs) 8-10 sentences per paragraph

Please answer the given questions in short essay form. 8-10 sentences.

1.What is learning?

3. Does conditioning affect emotions?

4. How are we influenced by patterns of reward?

5. What does punishment do to behavior?

6. What is cognitive learning?