

Read Chapter 9 and note that the first 25 pages discuss the concepts and history of groups in different racial categories.

Pages 350-369 in edition #5 and pages 368-381 in edition #6 discuss how people in different racial groups have interacted with each other on different levels, individual (microlevel) and institutional (mesolevel). 

For this discussion, choose one racial or ethnic group in the U.S. that Conley discusses in the history of race and respond to these questions:

  1. What group are you discussing? 
    • What racial categories (labels or names) have people used to describe it in US culture?
    • What ethnic categories (labels or names) have people used to describe it in US culture?
  2. What is one significant event or situation that this group experienced in US history?
    • Why is this event or situation important?
    • What can we learn about US culture, institutions or relationships between different groups?
  3. Review the arguments of Black Feminist Theory in the chapter on gender and examine this diagram: 
    • Put yourself in the center of this diagram and discuss problems or limitations that you experience from two or more of the “isms”.
    • Put yourself in the center of this diagram and discuss opportunities or advantages that you experience from two or more of the “isms”.