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General Education Common Graded Assignment: CHEM100 2017
“To Drink or Not to Drink”
CHEM100 is a general education course designed to assist students in the exploration of interaction
between chemistry and human society. One of the goals of this assignment is to assess student
competence for each of these objectives:
I. Written and Oral Communication— describe the chemistry behind everyday household
II. Critical Analysis and Reasoning— create a graph to present data, extract quantitative
information, and make predictions
III. Technological Competence – create a graph to present data, extract quantitative information,
and make predictions.
IV. Information Literacy— use appropriate resources and documents, including print and digital
media, to gather physical and chemical data
V. Scientific and Quantitative or Logical Reasoning— convert between the metric system and
English system
VI. Local and Global Diversity—describe the effects of an everyday chemical substance on human
health and discuss what factors contribute to variation in the prevalence of those health
concerns in different U.S. ethnic groups.
In addition to the above general education objectives, this assignment assesses students’ understanding
and application of the following skills and knowledge specific to CHEMISTRY 100
• use significant figures in evaluating data
• determine the concentration of solute in a solution
• determine the density of a solution
• create and interpret a graph
Purpose: To analyze given data in order to make a decision on the consumption of sugar
contained in a Kool-Aid solution.
Audience: General public
Directions: Please answer all parts of the question shown below. Work must be shown for all
calculations. Explanations must be written in sentences and be grammatically correct
and calculated results must be expressed with the proper numbers of significant digits
and units.
• Answers to parts a) – d) must be neatly written in the provided space.
• The graph must be submitted with the rest of the assignment as a separate page.
• A minimum of 300 words must be typed in Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced with 1”
margins for the answer to part e). Part f) must also be typed with the same format. The Works
Cited page is not included in the assigned word count.
• APA style format and documentation for parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page.
• Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed sources.
• Utilize library databases to locate appropriate sources.
• This assignment will account for 10% of the total course grade.
• See attached rubric for details about how your assignment will be graded.
CHEM 100 CGA, FALL 2017
Section: __________ Date: __________ Name:_________________________________
• The deadline for submission is Saturday, November 11 at 11:59 PM. Late submissions will
have 10% deducted per day late.
• Copies of the assignment should be submitted to the instructor electronically via email, and all
parts of the assignment should be attached in a single email. You may handwrite and scan
calculations, but parts (e) and (f) should be typed). Please submit these via email using your
CCBC address rather than via Course Messages. Email is available as a link in the left-hand
menu bar in Blackboard. Course Messages only allows you to attach one file per message sent.
• Make sure the subject line of your email includes your name and “CHEM 100 CGA
• Number your pages and make sure that every page you submit has your name and the course
and section number. Make sure that your name and the course and section number are listed
every page you submit.
CHEM 100 CGA, FALL 2017
Section: __________ Date: __________ Name:_________________________________
John is diabetic and tries to watch his sugar intake, but he enjoys Kool-Aid drink containing real sugar.
He mixes a single 6.6-ounces packet of powder into a 500-mL water bottle. John has data (table 1) that
correlates the density of Kool-Aid solution (in grams per mL of Kool-Aid solution) to the sugar
concentration (in grams of sugar per 100 mL of Kool-Aid solution). As his roommate, help John answer
the following questions to determine how much of the Kool-Aid drink he can have without risking his
a) Convert the mass of the powder to grams.
b) The density of water is 1.000 g/mL. Assuming that the added Kool-Aid powder does not change
the volume of the resulting solution significantly, calculate the density of the Kool-Aid solution.
Don’t forget to account for the water!
c) Using the data below that John has on the correlation of the density of Kool-Aid solution to the
sugar concentration, generate a graph. From this graph, determine the amount of sugar in the
500.0-mL bottle of the Kool-Aid solution. (Remember to attach the graph as a separate page.)
Table 1. The density of Kool-Aid drink in grams per milliliter as a function of the concentration of sugar in
grams per 100 milliliters.
Concentration (g/100mL) Density (g/mL)
5.00 1.078
7.50 1.120
10.00 1.161
12.50 1.190
15.00 1.230
CHEM 100 CGA, FALL 2017
Section: __________ Date: __________ Name:_________________________________
d) If the maximum amount of sugar John can have is 12.00 grams, what is the maximum volume of
the drink that John should have?
e) John is not alone in his condition. Tom, John’s other roommate who is also diabetic, decides to
mix and drink an entire bottle of Kool-Aid solution. Is Tom helping or hurting his condition?
What could happen if Tom consumes more sugar than then recommended amount?
f) Discuss the prevalence of diabetes among at least 3 different ethnic groups in the United States.
What are the factors that may contribute to the difference among these groups (e.g. nutritional,
cultural, social-economical factors)?