child protection in canada

1.    Introduction Give a brief overview of the social welfare policy on Child protection in Canada.
2.    An identification and discussion of a social welfare policy and a brief historical overview of the policy (Child protection in Canada) . Include in your discussion an explanation of how this social welfare policy affects or impacts women as well as the Canadian society. In your historical review, examine and discuss the development of the social welfare policy, discuss why it was developed and to what issues or problems it was responding, and identify what it was intended to accomplish.
3.    A description/discussion (including statistical descriptors) of the demographics of the target population including who benefits and under what conditions (eligibility criteria) and for how long (time, age limits).
4.    A discussion of ideologies and values that underpin this social policy. If there are specific political influences, discuss them.
5.    An analysis of the policy considering its stated intent: a substantive discussion of the implications of the policy regarding gender, race and class. Does the policy achieve what it is intended to achieve? If not, why? If so, how well?
6.    The consideration and presentation of alternative approaches that might better embrace a social justice perspective, or affirmation that the policy is working to attain its goal: What approaches or solutions might better embrace a social justice perspective? If the policy is working to attain its goal, discuss how and why. In this section you should pay attention to how this policy is working (or not) to advance women within society.