Childrens Books

Promoting childrens health requires attention to all areas of childrens development. As teachers of young children, we need to intentionally include strategies that support childrens well-being in the curriculum and be proactive in terms of supporting social and emotional competence. For this assignment you will be focusing on childrens well-being and researching a childrens library for resources to help you develop effective learning activities that promote childrens social and emotional competence.

To prepare for this application activity you will need to:

Read the following article and review the factors that should be taken into account when making book selections.

. Available from

Locate the childrens library at one of the larger public libraries in our community, such as County Library. (or online)

To complete this assignment successfully, you will need to:

Complete Application Activity #3 (page 35) from the text that asks you to:

Select and read ten childrens books from the Mental Health section in Appendix D of your text that you feel also meet the criteria outlined in the article Assessing Childrens Literature.

Prepare a brief annotation/report for each book including:







Evaluation including how it aligns with recommendations shared in the article “Assessing Children’s Literature” by the Anti-Defamation League.

Choose one of the books you provided an annotation for and develop it into a lesson plan.

Use the FTCC Lesson Plan Form to develop an activity that promotes childrens social-emotional competence. 

Identify at least one appropriate NCFELD Domain, Goal and five Developmental Indicators that aligns with your activity. NCFELD is available from:

Submit the 10 annotations and the Lesson Plan.