Choose a mediator subunit – in 400 words write a mini-review covering some of the current information available regarding this subunit and its role in the cell . At a minimum, you should provide at le

Choose a mediator subunit – in 400 words write a mini-review covering some of the currentinformation available regarding this subunit and its role in the cell . At a minimum, you shouldprovide at least five unique references from peer-reviewed sources. This should be written as aparagraph, not in point form, as if it were to be published in a review. Include two sentences atthe start of your mini-review covering the role of the mediator complex in the cell.You can use any citation style you would like for the assignment as long as you are consistentthroughout the work. 

Some example topics you might consider may include (but is not limited) to the following:1. What are the general properties of the subunit (e.g. size, structure)2. What are some of the role(s) of this mediator subunit in the cell?3. Are knockouts of this mediator subunit lethal? What is the phenotype?4. Have any interacting partners (activators/repressors/coregulators) been identified thatinteract with this Mediator subunit?5. Is this Mediator subunit post-translationally modified in the cell?