Choose topic that had to do with Wellness. It can be but does not have to be topic from the text. For EXAMPLE: energy drinks; Cross Fit; using sunscreens; Fitness trackers, do they help or hurt; Sport

Choose topic that had to do with Wellness. It can be but does not have to be topic from the text. For EXAMPLE: energy drinks; Cross Fit; using sunscreens; Fitness trackers, do they help or hurt; Sports drinks; Fad Diets (pick one or compare). I would suggest choosing something that interests you. Once you have chosen a topic for your presentation, write a topic statement. A short and direct statement (not a question). Your topic statement MUST be approved by the instructor before you go forward with your presentation. 

  • Topic Statement Examples:  Why it is important to choose the correct sunscreens.  Energy drinks have negative side effects.

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