Option B
Explain how Matthew edited/changed Mark’s Gospel for each of the following passages, and what reasons would he have had for doing that? What in Mks version was Mt trying to avoid i.e., why he might have viewed Mks material as misleading, incorrect, or problematic? How does that link up with other parts of Mts message, i.e., with Mt’s major themes and emphases, thus contributing to Mt’s overall message?
Use both the following two sets of passages to support your claim, making use ONLY of the resources below (but make sure you use ALL of them!), the Bible, textbooks and Module resources. You need to appeal to other sections of Mt, to show how these changes fit with wider Matthean themes. Make certain that you are wrestling with the biblical material itself, as well as the resources about the passages.
1. How did Matthew edit/change Mark 6:45-52 to produce Matthew 14:22-33 and why?
2. How did Matthew edit/change Mark 9:2-13 to produce Matthew 17:1-13 and why?
DON’T “retell” these stories! Instead, identify EACH of the changes. The changes may take the forms of deletions of something in Mk, and/or additions of something to Mk, and/or other modifications of what’s in Mk.
In order to explain why Mt made each change, you need to show how that change connects with Mt’s wider themes/emphases (especially of his “portrait of Jesus”) and/or the particular needs of Mt’s original audience. The explanation is NEVER “to provide more detail”! To provide explanations, use the required resources AND your own critical interaction with the biblical material.
A comparison of both pairs of passages is attached below, to assist in your identification of Mt’s changes of his Mk source; to see it, make sure you’ve clicked the heading above. The more of these changes that you explain, with arguments to support your claims, the better your grade is likely to be.
The paper should 500-1000 words in length, double-spaced, and using MLA formatting for reference citations and bibliography. The paper should include multiple reference citations, showing your interaction with what the required resources say. Submit the completed assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM Eastern.
Resources for this paper (use them ALL!):
See the ebook via SLU library: by Martin (83-88,105-108).
See the ebook via SLU library: edited by Muddiman and Barton (53,56-57,102,109). In your bibliography and reference citations, use the article author’s name — not the editors’!
ONLY Bibliography Resources for Option B:
Allison, Dale C., Jr. Matthew. The Gospels. Edited by John Muddiman and John Barton, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Martin, Dale B. New Testament and Literature. Yale University Press, 2012.
Tuckett, C. M. Mark. The Gospels. Edited by John Muddiman and John Barton, Oxford University Press, 2010.
Imperato, Robert. Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide, 3rd ed., Hamilton Books, 2020.
The New American Bible – Revised Edition. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 2010.