Christianity in America Viewing, Reading & Writing Assignment

Start Video at 7:45

Reading: (is attached)

Hemeyer, (Text) Part 2 (Pp. 41–171.)  Do not read word for word–only for themes and prompts for your paper.


A 3 page paper on your choice of the following:  Pick one only

1.  What is an Evangelical?  Why are they the new majority of American Christians?  Text and relevant website: (I need to see page numbers from the text.)

2.  How is Catholicism different from Protestant Christianity?  Text and relevant website: 
(I need to see page numbers from the text.)

3.  What are examples of American Born Christianities?  Text.  (I need to see page numbers from the text.)

Include two paragraphs that summarizes the Video.


I need to see page numbers from the text.  You can use short, pithy quotes from the text followed by the page number in parenthesis or just cite the page numbers from the text at the end of a paragraph also placed in parenthesis.  “Direct Quote……………….”, (10)  You do not have to write out the name of the text or author.  Also, include two paragraphs on the Video Lecture.