Chronic Health conditions

extensive investigation on the impact nutrition has on a chronic health condition from the list in your below. The 3-5 page, APA formatted, research paper, and posted to the appropriate link under Assignments links and guidelines.

The research paper must include the following: the etiology of the chronic health condition; risk factors (including nutrition); how nutrition plays a role in both prevention and treatment; a daily meal plan and how it is appropriate for use in this particular condition and the selected foods that would be included. This will require at least 5 additional  peer-reviewed resources (articals from professional journals) other than your textbook. NO WIKIPEDIA. You may use, textbooks, published conference papers, Department of Health and Human Services websites, the American Diatetic Assoication website are considered approved resources. DO NOT ONLY  USE WEBSITES!

There is a wealth of articles available through the library databases. If you are having, difficulties contact the library for assistance.

Chronic Conditions:

Diabetes (type 1 or Type 2)

Crohns Disease


Heart Disease

High Blood Pressure

Morbid Obesity