Citizen centric smart cities

This requested order is for the benchmarking section in the literature review chapter of my thesis (citizen-centric smart cities research). The objective of this section is to benchmark successful use cases of tram transportation services implementation in citizen centric smart cities. Or in other words, to discuss the successful stories of designing tram services to meet the needs of the citizens and increase their participation in smart cities participatory governance. In addition, to include the challenges encountered by the citizens and how policy makers have mitigated these issues.
The content may include the following information:
    How smart cities are implementing tram services to meet the needs of the citizens and enhance the quality of living. How tram transportation services is a tool to involve citizens in smart cities advancement and to increase their participation? In what ways are the citizens becoming more involved?
    Benchmarking of successful use cases (of successful smart cities globally) What were the challenges encountered during the process? Supported by multiple writers and sources, not necessarily the sources attached.
    Provide the learning outcomes of these use cases and how these learning outcomes can help in providing recommendations to enhance the quality of living in future smart cities.
Other instructions
    Use 2-3 quotes from the given articles and use paraphrases.
    Utilize scholarly articles
    Provide the list of references used in the paper.
    Use basic English language.