Civic Engagement and Social Movements


This week’s discussion considers the connection between civic engagement and / or social movements and one specific public policy of your choice.

Step One: Select a specific example of public policy from one of the following fields:

Economic policy

Education policy

Environmental policy

Foreign policy

Healthcare policy

Welfare policy

Step Two:  How did civic engagement and/or a social movement affect a previous or current public policy concern?

<<Tip Think about how the community in your city or state, or the nation at large, reacted (or reacts) to your public policy.  Example:  ESSA in response to NCLB community school board meetings, etc. >>

Step Three: Address the two following points:

Was the civic engagement and/or social movement example successful or unsuccessful?

What actions accounted for the success or failure?

<<Tip:  Address the success or failure of the civic engagement activity or social movement (i.e., many school board meetings could be one example) and what the reasons were for that success or failure.>>

Step Four:  What can we learn from this civic engagement and/or social movement example?

Support your examples with information from the text and at least two, additional academic sources