Classroom Management Letter

You have recently been hired to teach a sixth grade inclusive classroom at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School. Your principal has asked you to write a 500-750 word letter to the parents of your students outlining your classroom management plan.

Within your letter, address the following:

  • Evidence-based strategy you use within your classroom management plan that positively influences the behavior of students with disabilities .
  • Classroom setting and how it promotes a safe, culturally responsive, and engaging learning environment through meaningful activities and social interactions for students with disabilities .
  • Student behavioral expectations for success.
  • Fostering respectful communication within the classroom environment.
  • Considering GCUs Integration of Faith and Work, honoring the dignity and diversity of all students and valuing the experiences of students .
  • Description of individual or group contingency plan you may use, such as token economy.
  • Working collaboratively with school personnel and parents/guardians to support the needs of the student.
  • Methods you will use to communicate behavioral concerns with parents/guardians and how often you will use them.

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.