Classroom Management Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom

Student behavioral and academic outcomes are improved by teachers having a clear understanding of what they are teaching and how they are going to teach it. Creating clear goals and objectives for a lesson with aligned, engaging activities and opportunities for well-defined social interaction can reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviors and improve student performance.

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation  to be shown to general classroom teachers, of a grade level of your choosing, in a professional development setting, focusing on inclusion and strategies for classroom management.

The presentation should address the following:

  • Identifying realistic expectations for the personal and social behavior of students with disabilities in various settings.
  • Designing learning environments that encourage active participation in individual and group activities for individuals with and without disabilities. 
  • Promoting social skills that students with disabilities need for educational and other settings.
  • Preparing students with disabilities to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world.
  • Using collaborative learning groups and project-based activities to help students practice self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
  • One recommended classroom management strategy for each of the identified behaviors  to motivate students: incomplete work, lack of participation, talking out of turn or disrespectful language, and refusal to work with others.

Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenters notes.

Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.