COIT20229 Networking with TCP/IP

COIT20229 Networking with TCP/IP (Term 1 2014) Assessment item 1—Written Assessment Due date: 11:00pm AEST Friday Week 10 ASSESSMENT Weighting: 40% 1 Objectives This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes 1 to 7 as stated on page 3 of the course profile. Instructions Please write your answers to all questions in the ‘Template for Your Answers’ Section of this document and upload only that template. Please show all your working and steps. Please ensure that you write your answers in your own words to avoid possible plagiarism and copyright violation. You can understand the Plagiarism Procedures by following the corresponding link in the CQUniversity Policies section of the Course Profile. Question 1 (3.5 marks) Router X running RIP has the following routing table: Destination Cost Next Router Net1 7 A Net2 3 B Net3 4 C Net4 3 D a) Assuming no other route update message has been received show the updated routing table after router X has received the RIP message shown below from router C after 200s: (Net1 4) (Net2 3) (Net4 2). (0.5 marks for each correct row entry) b) Router X does not receive any update for another 90s. How many periodic expiration and garbage collection timers are now running in router X? (0.5 marks for each correct answer) Question 2 (2 marks) An organisation has been granted a block of addresses starting with the address a) Create 3 subnets for this organisation with the first subblock of 250 addresses the second subblock of 60 addresses and the third subblock of 12 addresses. (0.5 marks for each correct answer) b) How many addresses are left? (0.5 marks) Question 3: (3.5 marks) Consider the following UDP header dump: BB400045003AFF10 a) Identify the source port number. (1 mark) b) Identify the destination port number. (0.5 marks) c) What is the length of the data? (1 mark) d) Is it a packet from the client to the server or vice versa? (0.5 marks) e) What is the client process? (0.5 marks) Question 4 (6 marks) Use Wireshark tool to capture packets when you download Lecture 1 from the COIT20229 Course Webpage. Before you undertake this task you should have Wireshark installed in your home computer/notebook and connected to the Internet. It is advisable that you have attempted the packet capture exercises using Wireshark that are scheduled for Weeks 7-9. This task cannot be completed in any CQUniversity lab. a) Submit the captured pcap file. You should filter the file so that only TCP traffic is included. (1 mark) b) What is the server IP address? (0.5 marks) c) What is the application layer protocol involved? (0.5 marks) d) What is the client port number for data download? (0.5 marks) e) What is the server port number for data download? (0.5 marks) f) How many data bytes have been downloaded? (0.5 marks) g) What is the size of the downloaded Lecture 1 file? (0.5marks) h) Discuss the difference in your answers to parts f) and g). You need to consider the packets formats in your discussion. (2 marks) Question 5 (25 marks) A rural medical centre in Australia plans to improve its services to the community by providing telemedicine and healthcare. The centre has 4 doctors working at a given time and some patients travel over 100km to see a doctor. Currently when a doctor needs to receive advice from a specialist the medical centre first sends the reports of the patient to the specialist and then the doctor talks to the specialist over the telephone at a convenient time to both parties. As such the patient can be advised of the diagnosis only at a later time via the telephone. This procedure delays the diagnosis process considerably. The centre management has decided to improve the service not only to the patients that visit the centre but also to those living about 200km away by having a small team of mobile doctors and paramedics. The idea of the mobile team is to provide consultations to the needy patients at their homes rather than them having to travel to the centre. The mobile doctors should be able to connect wirelessly to the medical centre and also communicate with the specialists directly. The mobile doctors and the doctors at the medical centre should be able to scan/photograph and send the reports of the patients immediately to the specialists. Currently there is only landline telephone connection to the medical centre and the surrounding 200km radius of area but the government plans to provide fibre to premises connections under the National Broadband Network (NBN). Several service providers cover this area with 3G mobile service. Design the network of the medical centre and that of the vehicle of the mobile doctors. Draw the network diagrams of both and describe your design in words. Your design should consider suitable IP addresses and devices network security redundancy scalability and cost issues. Note: You need to undertake a serious literature research on such mobile networks and medical centres and associated medical and communication equipment required. You need to a) list the assumptions made. (2 marks) – Note: The assumptions are not the requirements that are provided in the task. They are the additional requirements that you need for your design. b) provide the network diagrams. (3 marks) c) describe your design. (3 marks) d) justify your design. (3 marks) e) list the networking and communication devices required including the IP addresses product numbers the cost of each and the approximate total cost. (2 marks) f) select a suitable Internet service provider and show the associated approximate annual cost. (2 marks) g) discuss in about 500 words if the centre and the patients are going to benefit from the planned NBN. You need to discuss the advantages and the disadvantages both. (10 marks) TEMPLATE FOR YOUR ANSWERS COIT20229 Networking with TCP/IP–Assessment Item 1 (Term 1 2014) Fist Name: Last Name: SID: Write your answers in the spaces provided. Question Number Mark allocated Mark earned Question 1: (3.5 marks) 2 a) Destination Cost Next Router Net1 Net2 Net3 Net4 b) 1.5 Question 2: (2 marks) 1.5 a) b) 0.5 Question 3: (3.5 mark) 1 a) b) 0.5 c) 1 d) 0.5 e) 0.5 Question 4: (6 marks) 111 1 a) b) 0.5 c) 0.5 d) 0.5 e) 0.5 f) 0.5 g) 0.5 h) 2 Question 5: (25 marks) 3 2 a) b) 3 c) 3 d) 3 e) 2 f) 2 g) 10 Late submission penalty Plagiarism penalty Total