Collecting and analyzing data

Data that is collected can be primary or secondary. Primary data is original data that researchers collect for 

a specific purpose. Secondary data analysis involves an individual using the information that someone else 

gathered for his or her own purposes. Secondary data is data that is not collected directly by the researcher 

themselves but is relayed to them by an outside source. Secondary data and resources can be found at the 

local, state, regional, federal, and international levels. Secondary data is very useful because it can be 

gathered with little additional effort or expense from the researchers, and there is a wealth of it readily 


Secondary data is the data that has already been collected through primary sources and made readily 

available for researchers to use for their own research. It is a type of data that has already been collected in 

the past. A researcher may have collected the data for a particular project, then made it available to be used 

by another researcher. The data may also have been collected for general use with no specific research 

purpose like in the case of the national census.

Examples include government census reports, other governmental databases, and administrative data.

Sources of Secondary Data

Sources of secondary data includes books, personal sources, journal, newspaper, website, government 

record etc. Secondary data are known to be readily available compared to that of primary data. It requires 

very little research and need for manpower to use these sources. With the advent of electronic media and 

the internet, secondary data sources have become more easily accessible.