com 210


Compile an annotated bibliography of resources you plan to cite for your Innovation Project. You should write this document in such a manner that you would feel comfortable showing it to your supervisor or colleague should they ask; remember that unlike as in academic writing, writing at work can suddenly find itself with a new and unanticipated audience. Be sure to include the following:

  1. The bibliographic information. For our purposes and to ensure consistency, use APA Format. Need help? See these materials from the .
  2. A summary of the resource. What critical information or argument is included? Is there a bias, shortcoming, or other quality that it is critical you keep in mind or that a future reader of your bibliography should be aware of?
  3. How you plan to use this resource in your memorandum?
  4. Does the resource raise any questions for further research?

Each annotation (#2-4 above) should be at least one paragraph total.