The formatting of this essay must be done as it is in the word document I uploaded
What to include in the Research Proposal:
1)Introductory paragraph: introduce your proposed essay topic & working thesis statement
2)Primary source (piece(s) of literature): briefly summarize
3)Secondary sources: briefly summarize, evaluate and explain their relevance to the research project (2-3 sentences per source)
4)Brief Outline (in point form) of your argument points
5)Your conclusion
Be sure to include your primary source(s), that is, the literature you are researching, and FIVE secondary sources, that is, reference works, and other secondary sources such as, critical articles, books, and chapters of books.
Find & utilize the following sources:
1) A pertinent scholarly peer-reviewed article from an electronic academic journal;
2) A chapter from a scholarly book;
3) A literary term definition and/or etymology of an unusual word from an online scholarly dictionary such as the Oxford English Dictionary;
4) Find 2 other sources from an academic resource, either electronic or in hard copy