Compare the voice in the two short readings

Comparing the voice in two short readings.

 Length: 2 paragraphs , about 200 words. The specific question is below and i also copied the last post made and put it there for you to read and go off of. Please use a few examples if you could, only from the readings. thank you 

“Let’s start the discussion by comparing/ contrasting the voice in “The Author to Her Book” and “A Receipt for Writing a Novel”.  When I say “voice”, I am referring to the speaker of the poem.  So you will want to consider the tone, the Point of View, etc.   Remember, the speaker may not be the author.”

“Please respond to the last post in the thread”. 

Here is the last persons response

A Receipt for Writing a Novel by Mary Alcock is speaking to authors of this day and their readers. I am believing that it is particularly for women authors of her time that are basically writing the same story over and over in a novel format. These novels are meant to make the reader feel emotions such as: love, jealousy, passion, and torment. There must always be a beautiful woman protagonist that is in distress in some way, but always having a hero save her (male character). It can never be an easy ending after this, but has to have plot twists and turns before the two characters can be together. This can be multiple books with this drama of never being with the one that the protagonist loves( line 57 on page 308). It is the same stale plots and stories (Alcock 307-308). I feel personally like this is every novel and tv show ever. Me, as the audience, wants better books and entertainment. The problem is that many writers get into a style where they are comfortable with and do not take risks to change the narrative from other authors. I believe that her tone and attitude is that of a woman who is fed up with what other writers are doing in novels and wants change. I personally found myself giggling at how apropos it is with todays culture. 

The Author to Her Book is thought to be written while Anne Bradstreet was revising the second edition of her book. Her poems were initially published in 1650 without her knowledge. The poems speaker is supposed to be Bradstreet.  She personifies her book of poetry, addressing it as if it were her own child. On page 152, she called it the ill-formed offspring of her feeble brain. You can see in this stanza, that she is not happy that her child was taken away from her. She describes this work as a child dressed in rags, unfit to be consumed by the masses. She is very critical of herself, but also seems to be critical of the person who stole her baby from her and those critics that are not kind to her works (Bradstreet 152).