Compare two readings. Remember to make clear your thesis (which is your favorite and least favorite) upfront. The essay will then proceed to an evaluation of each readings strengths and/or weaknesses.

One  will  represent  the  reading  that  you  like  the  best  and  the  other  that  you  like  the  least.    You  will  then  write  a  comparative  two  (2)  page,  double-spaced  essay  where  you  will  explain  the  reasoning  behind  your  selections.    Remember  to  make  clear  your  thesis  (which  is  your  favorite and  least  favorite)  upfront.    The  essay  will  then  proceed  to  an  evaluation  of  each readings strengths and/or weaknesses.  Your analysis will explain the arguments presented by each author(in other words, what is the author trying to get across to the reader?).  You then will appraise the strength of the articles argument (is it clear?  does it address an important question? etc.), its use of evidence  (does  it  provide  enough  information  to  support  its  claims?  is  it  convincing?),  its methodology  (that  is,  does the authors  approach  to  the  topic  work?),  its writing style  (is  it  readable?  organized?),  and  any  other  criteria  that  you  feel  is  important.    In  other  words,  why  does the one essay succeed in making its case whereas the other one fails?  What advantages and disadvantages does one have over the other?  Remember to back up your opinions with examples and quotes from the two readings (e.g., just stating that something is poorly written is not the same  as  demonstrating  it!).    On  a  technical  matter,  there  will  be  no  need  for  formal  citationsjust follow any quotes with the page number in parentheses.  Referring back to the comments on the first submission should help improve this effort!