Comparison/Contrast Essay

Draft a 3-4 page (approximately 700-1000 words) comparison/contrast essay in the informative mode.


Compare or contrast two types of technologies: Android and Apple 

After completed with essay, answer the following questions about your writing. Include answers to all of the questions below your essay.

1. Did you use the point-by-point or block method to organize your body paragraphs? What made you decide to organize your essay in this way (3-4 sentences)?

Consider the ways a comparison/contrast essay can be organized. Which organization did you choose and why?

2. In what ways did writing a comparison/contrast essay differ from the Narrative essay you wrote in Touchstone 1? Give specific examples (3-4 sentences). 

Consider how the structure, point of view, and purpose of the two essays differ.

3. Remember that the writing process is a recursive process, and your first draft of an essay is rarely your last. What part of the draft did you struggle with (3-4 sentences)? 

Think about how you could improve the draft if you continued the writing process with revision and editing.

 In addition, you must answer the “Think About Your Writing” questions, described below, beneath your essay.