Computer 10 pages, due within 12 hrs from now No Plagiarism


Project 1: Comprehensive Cloud Plan 


Project 1, your Comprehensive Cloud Plan, is due this week.

The plan is for your client, a federal government agency, which is preparing for a Microsoft Azure cloud pilot. The Comprehensive Cloud Plan is the first of a two-part assignment for your clients CIO. The plan should be submitted in a Word document. The Comprehensive Cloud Plan should be eight to 10 pages, including cover page, images or tables, and references.

Your plan should include the following information for the CIO:

  • an executive summary to describe the requirements
  • at least three benefits of using Azure
  • a detailed explanation of the Azure cloud types and deployment models
  • definition of common Azure terms: tenants, management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources
  • the significance of FedRAMP
  • the Azure governance model

If you havent done so, download the  and follow the instructions in thedocument.

How Will My Work Be Evaluated? 

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your Project 1 assignment:

In this paper, you will need to focus on the executive summary, the body, and the references. While you will be evaluated on all the criteria outlined below, you should focus on the sections in the template and ensure that everything required is covered.

Executive Summary (16%)

1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task. (8%)

1.2.2: Employ a format, style, and tone appropriate to the audience, context, and goal. (8%)

Body of the Paper (76%)

  • at least three benefits of using Azure
  • a detailed explanation of the Azure cloud types and deployment models
  • definition of common Azure terms: tenants, management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources
  • the significance of FedRAMP
  • the Azure governance model

1.4.1: Produce grammatically correct material in standard academic English that supports the communication. (8%)

2.3.2: Incorporate relevant evidence to support the position. (8%)

10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved. (15%)

12.1.2: Formulate policies, processes, and procedures based upon identified business needs. (15%)

12.9.1: Describe organizational compliance with government legislation that impacts technology. (15%)

13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder. (15%)

References (8%)

1.3.1: Identify potential sources of information that can be used to develop and support ideas. (8%)