Computer Assigment


Your assignment in this chapter is to solve the programming challenge 14.  You only need to submit the source code ( . java not the project or the .class ) files of all the classes you’ll implement and the driver program for the problem. You still need to submit your designs, remember code without design is not a code – syllabus requirement still applies for all assignments.


What you need to think about:

  • – You can use relative path and/or import statements and/or      packages for classes


  • – Decimal formatting
  • – Switch receiving string data type
  • – Conditional operator
  • – String formatting with decimal value
  • – Object oriented solution      ( ch 3 )


*Description: <Meaningful description>


*Class: <Semester> – <COSC 1437.xxxxx>

*Assignment1: <yyyyyyyyyyy>

*Date: <##.##.##>

*@author  <your name>

*@version <#.#.#>


For each method, you will also be required to create docstring as follows:


* @param args <Meaningful description>


* @return Termination code as int, 0 for normal, anything else is error condition

* @throws Nothing is implemented
