Computer Science Essay

Extra Credit Assignment Test #2 Bonus Points- The Coming Software Apocalypse 

Assignment Description

  1. Read the following article – 
    1. Or listen to the audio version 
  2. Summarize the article as a whole in one paragraph (1 paragraph)
  3. Pick 3 key points from the article that resonated with you the most. Paraphrase those points, and explain why they resonated with you. (1 paragraph for each point). 
  • No more than 2 pages allowed. 
  • Default (reasonable) margins and font. 1.15 spacing


  • 1 points for summary paragraph
  • 3 point – 1 points for each key point paragraph.  
  • 1 Points awarded for general impression of quality, comprehension demonstration, and effort.  And, of course, following my (customer) requirements outlined above.