Concept Analysis in the Literature

 Walden week 3 assignment

Review of research literature is a beneficial strategy that can be employed for concept analysis. In undertaking this strategy, you seek to understand how others have defined a particular concept, including the steps that have been utilized to arrive at this definition. As members of the nursing field engage in multiple concept analyses, they can begin to develop consensus for concept definitions and/or revise them as necessary.

Note: The concept and practice problem you select will be your focus next week as well, when you explore the relationship between concept analysis and theory development.

To prepare:

  • Select a concept related to a practice problem of interest to you. You may use the concept and practice problem you selected for the Discussion.
  • Using the Walden Library, find and read at least two articles that demonstrate concept analysis for your selected practice problem.

By Day 7 of this Week

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that summarizes the steps of the concept analysis process utilized in each article. Include in your summary the following information for each article:

  • What is the definition of the concept?
  • How could or does the definition differ from its use in nursing and health care versus in other disciplines?
  • What characteristics define the concept? How do these apply to nursing and clinical practice?

Example of paper is below:

 Concept Analysis in the Literature: Spirituality Concept analysis is a process that helps to distinguish defining characteristics of a concept and its structure (Nuopponen, 2010). Walker and Avant find the primary use of a concept analysis is to determine the structure of a concept, break it down into simpler elements of the design, remove what is considered vague information, and clarify a definition for the concept (Nuopponen, 2010). Even knowing that spirituality plays an important role in healthcare, how it is defined as a concept by nurses as part of the care delivery system is an area that shows the need for further research with an emphasis on an operational definition of spirituality, and how it can be applied to finding evidence that will improve patient care. Both articles reviewed followed similar processes with concept analysis based predominantly on finding a more concrete way to define spirituality, and how it is used within the nursing profession. The purpose of this paper is to look at the concept analysis of spirituality in nursing and define how spirituality is important to the nursing practice and differs from use in other disciplines. Definition of Spirituality Agrimson and Taft (2009) review nursing theories such as Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings, the Neuman Systems Model, and Parses Theory of Human Becoming to develop an overreaching definition of spirituality that is used in nursing practice. Agrimson and Taft (2009) found in the literature review that most nurses tend to group the theory of spirituality with religion even when religion is never mentioned by a patient. The results concluded that spirituality, without religion, allows for individuals to create a purpose and meaning in life (Agrimson & Taft, 2009). Spirituality includes a need for the love of self and others, finding hope, understanding forgiveness, and finding a purpose to life and death (Agrimson & Taft, 2009). This study resource was shared via CONCEPT ANALYSIS IN THE LITERATURE: SPIRITUALITY 3 Monareng (2012) finds that the definition of spirituality within nursing care continues to be a vague concept with multiple interpretations ranging from general concepts about a higher power to specific ideas surrounding how spirituality relates to religious ideologies. The lack of a clear and concise definition can hinder patient care related to the spiritual aspects and needs that exist for quality care improvements (Monareng, 2012). Nursing and Health Care Spirituality Defined Compared to Other Disciplines Review of nursing ideals surrounding spirituality differs from other health disciplines such as physicians in how the concept is defined and viewed. Pulchalski (2001) reviewed differences between disciplines and found a physician focus on spirituality was related more towards parts of practice such as understanding mortality, recovery from disease states, and coping with terminal illnesses. Physicians are taught to listen to patient fears and work to create a compassionate practice plan where interdisciplinary team members work together for the needs of the patient (Pulchalski, 2001). From a physician perspective, there is an understanding of spirituality being different for every patient, but looking at how the patients viewpoint affects the healing or dying process. Nursing is defined more from the emotional aspect and holistic view of a caring presence and discussion of the search for meaning and purpose in each patients life (Monareng, 2012). A concept analysis of spirituality from a nursing practice standpoint relates that there is no single theory or ideology that can accurately describe what spirituality means for every patient (Agrimson & Taft, 2009). Defining Characteristics and Application to Nursing and Clinical Practice Nurses are with patients during times of physical and emotional turmoil, even if it is where a nurse cannot fix everything, being with the patient can show empathy and understanding This study resource was shared via CONCEPT ANALYSIS IN THE LITERATURE: SPIRITUALITY 4 more than other disciplines. Monareng (2012) researched concept analysis characteristics related to spirituality to be actions like a caring presence, need for finding a meaning and purpose to life, transcendence and finding a wider perspective of situations that occur in a lifetime, interconnectedness from healthy relationships with a higher power, individual beliefs, and family connections. The applications of spirituality to nursing practice includes the creation of a trusting relationship between patient and nurse, sensitivity to patient needs, and showing patients empathy, caring, and respect for all care decisions (Monareng, 2012). Without the application of spirituality into nursing practice, patients may feel as if not all the emotional needs are met during care delivery. Sensitivity to each patients needs ensures improvement in the perception of the quality of care delivered during each health care visit. Summary It can be concluded that using a concept analysis is an important scholarly exercise that becomes the foundation of a literature review surrounding a concept (Monareng, 2012). Agrimson and Taft (2009) and Monareng (2012) follow similar concept analysis processes that include the selection of a topic, determination of the purpose, topic analysis, identification of concept uses, defining attributes, researching case studies, review of concept experiences, and how to define the information found from the analysis. Oh and Kim (2014) emphasize that spirituality is a widely recognized part of basic health and well-being as spirituality allows the human being to follow ideologies or beliefs that aid in coping with negative events, grief processes, and creating a way to find meaning and purpose for a patients life. This study resource was shared via CONCEPT ANALYSIS IN THE LITERATURE: SPIRITUALITY 5 Reference Agrimson, L. B., & Taft, L. B. (2009). Spiritual crisis: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(2), 454-461. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04869.x Monareng, L. V. (2012). Spiritual nursing care: A concept analysis. Curationis, 35(1), Art #28, 9 pages. Nuopponen, A. (2010). Methods of concept analysis: A comparative study. LSP Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from Pok-Ja, O., & Kim, S. H. (2014). The effects of spiritual interventions in patients with cancer: A meta-analysis. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(5), E290-E301. Puchalski, C. M. (2001). The role of spirituality in health care. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 14(4), 352-357. Retrieved from This study resource was shared via Course